The 381 module is a multi-shaft cutting tables with interchangeable tooling. These units can cut, score, perf, and more and go inline with MBO finishing systems.
The 281 cutting unit is a very adaptable cutting machine. This machine can do many cutting functions, all that is needed is the appropriate knife.
The 820 is a self-driven transfer unit attached at the exit of folders and cutters frequently used to speed up the product before the next module.
The PP 300 is a module designed to uniquely remove air and flatten pharmaceutical inserts and outserts.
The 855 Flipping Unit is made to go inline with many finishing systems to invert the product in a rolling motion from bottom to top.
The 407 is a cross carrier table used primarily for product alignment during transfers between machines.
The 091.1 is a vacuum style folder gluer used for plow folding, tipping, gluing, cross folding and other folder-gluer processes.
The P 46 is an independent unit that can compress products for delivery.
The L 352 Labeler/Tabber is designed to seal brochures, inserts, pamphlets and outserts with a single or double label/tab in single file positions
The L 351 Labeler/Tabber is designed to seal brochures, inserts, pamphlets and outserts with a single or double label/tab side by side
The L 350 Labeler/Tabber is designed to seal brochures, inserts, pamphlets and outserts with a single label/tab on one side of the product
The XP 250.1 is a knife folding unit specifically designed for miniature folding, primarily in the pharmaceutical industry.
The XS300 is a cross knife folder designed for configuration behind a parallel unit to make a single fold in the cross direction.