Category: Educational Blog

Elevate Your Brand: The Power of Print Embellishment

Elevate Your Brand: The Power of Print Embellishment In today’s competitive market, branding is more crucial than ever. A strong brand image can set a business apart, making it memorable to customers and creating a lasting impression. One effective way to enhance a brand’s image is through print embellishment. These…

Legacy Machine Information

During your search of the MBO America website you may notice that our product mix for the future might not include some of the legacy machine models that you have previously associated with MBO.  We are producing a new line up of folding machines to help our customers be competitive…

Taking the Guesswork Out of Gate Folding

There are many companies in this printing industry who have folding machines which are not equipped with the Gate-Fold-Plate option. Granted not every company will have the need to do a Closed Gatefold application but if they had this option available, it would open the doors to a more diverse…

Choosing the Correct Feeder Type for Your New Folder

When deciding on what type of feeder would be best suitable for your folding application, here’s a few things to consider. Pile Feeder The pile feeder is most popular on our smaller folders due to the fact that the smaller paper size is ergonomically friendly to handle making it easier…